サトシのワニノコ (Satoshi's Waninoko) Name Ash's Totodile Other details Captured in The Totodile Duel (location Johto Route 34) This Totodile is a Watertype Pokémon owned by Ash It was captured by Ash using his Lure Ball, making it the only one of Ash's Pokémon that has never been inside an ordinary Poké Ball Contents 1 Personality;Streit um Karnimani Duel pour un Pokémon Totodile, el bailón La battaglia per il Totodile」 サトシ「研究所?ああ、あの時、俺のほうをジロジロ見ていたヘボ野郎か・・・・・」 レッド「ヘボ野郎だと!この野郎!行けヒトカゲ!切り裂くだ!」 サトシ「ワニノコ・・・・水鉄砲だ」 ビューーー! レッド「ヒトカゲ!」 サトシ「自分の実力
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